= English

Or wild Pernambuco that poucas pessoas conhecem

“Na planície avermelhada os juazeiros lenggavam duas green spots. […] A folhagem dos juazeiros apareu longe, through two peeled galhos da catinga rala “. O livro “Vidas Secas”, by Graciliano Ramos written in the 1930s, reveals a real reality lived by retired northeastern Brazilians, in a dry terrain workshop on families that have been forced to migrate to other regions in search of food and water.
A work, tão used and mentioned in vestibulares of all or country, can give a superficial impression on a region of rugged and northeastern sertão, which guards a tourism opção that attracted milhares de pessoas every year for diverse municipalities, such as é or In the case of Pernambuco, on an annual basis, 100 thousand people decide to spend a few days in rural areas, in “hidden” plantations between green and long vales, according to the Associação Pernambucana de Turismo Rural e Ecológico (Apeturr), which gathers more than 30 fazendas da região.
Non-geral, 90% of the public that includes groups of approximately 40 people who go to caravans of buses for fazendas, vem da própria região Nordeste, facing the long strands, which leave behind a silhueta de prédios eo agito das grandes metropoles , to take advantage of more calm and simple activities in the field.
Order cows for ter or leite do café da manhã, walk to cavalo in small terrain, fazer trilhas in the mountains, green mountains in the wild, passages of trato hair vouchers, see from the field you animais permambucano bioma, colher e eat fruits direto das plantações e, por que não, curtir or traditional forró das noites de saturday, ao som two musicians locais e do cantto noturno de grilos e rãs. O roteiro afugenta os mais jovens, who prefers to drink bananas from the sun, but becomes a prato cheio for families and pessoas na melhor idade, which seems to be energized by cheia de vitalidade quando entram em contato com o campo.
A complete experience not field, which also mixes a wide variety of gastronomic not almoço e no jantar, including daily values, which vary between R $ 200 to R $ 700 per quarter, trazendo aos visitors traditional local culinary practices, criações próprias ( você já ouviu falar de geleia de pétalas de rosa? Pois é) e fruits, vegetais e doces cultivated and produced ali mesmo, poucos meters two quartos.
Disposição é o that não can not be intenção e take advantage of or maximum variety of atividades. Agree bem cedo, before or sun to give faces, take coffee or manhã and be ready to face qualquer atividade, seja trilhar rises, walk haines falosdas fazendas ou conhecer a região, where stands out Garanhuns, conhecida hair annual winter festival em julho, which attracted milhares de pessoas, and more recently, pelas decorações do Natal Luz, which extends to or longo of all or more of dezembro. You will want to see the isso de perto, and you will be prepared to face estrada, since the cities will be ready for you.
Second to president of Apeturr, Melânia Vieira, due to economic crisis, the indexes of 2016 foram baixos, porém houve uma recuperação quase total in 2017 and expectation é of high em 2018. “Hopefully a um increase of 20% non flux, not comparative of 2016 com 2018, e by volta of 5% of 2017 for or next year. A crise afetou a movimentação, more neste ano o fluxo voltou aos indices de 2015 e já we can ter this panorama of high “, detalhou.
For this reason, when I am thinking of spending a few days in Pernambuco, I do not want to confer state and coastal beaches, but I also need to confer a unique experience that rural tourism can provide. I was lembre-levam a pair of chinelos, a solar protetor and a lot of energy to take advantage.

Photo: Reprodução
Fonte: Market & Event